Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sizzling Summer Saturday

Well folks, this is it, Chris kicks off his blogging career. I am going to see how this goes. It has been said by several people that they live vicariously through me. Well, I am not all that sure about that, but I can tell you I have been enjoying life to the fullest and now going to get to share my random thoughts, feelings and such with all of you.

Love getting passing comments and hell yes call me on stuff if I get it wrong as you so know I will be making sure I get to be right more often than not. Those of you who know me know I am a good story teller. I hope I can do this blog proud.

So why start now? For the past 15 years I have been keeping a written journal. I was notified about a year ago that the Italian firm that made my journals was discontinuing the line and offered other options. Did not like any of them and so have been using up my supply and that is just about done. Something needed to change and so this blog was created. Who knows if anyone will read it? I hope so and have a few laughs along the way.
