Saturday, June 18, 2011

Coming Up On Half-Time

Often we look at half-time as being related to football or some other sport, but not baseball if you think about it. That has the 7th inning stretch. But I am getting so far off base that I need to come back around. I am referring to the middle of 2011. Yes, in two weeks we will be rolling into the 4th of July weekend and kissing the first half of the year good-bye. It is also when summer finally arrives in Seattle and not my favorite time of year. But you know what, I will get through it. So today and tomorrow are my days. The past month has been way too social and I am really glad to downshift and take the weekend for me. Now don't go getting crazy, all it means is that I am reading a backlog of magazines while doing the 3 or 4 loads of laundry. Add in the dishes and recycling plus I am going to make a tamale pie this weekend. Some of you might remember me sharing the recipe back in April when I went down to see Mom for Easter/Birthday/Mother's day.

But there are some of those projects that I want out of the way such as mailing packages long sitting in the dining area and finally sorting out all the papers and crap that have been sitting on my fabulous bench Lars made for me to clear that up. All these are things that will be tackled over the summer including saying good bye to more dishes in the kitchen. Transferring CD's to the binders and Helene will be taking the book shelf north soon. Thus begins the discussion of getting a Kindle. Dare I join those walking away from books. Pondering to be sure.

Oh and before I close for the day, I can tell you that I have had a successful week of being chip free and pasta free. Working at doing the salads and protein. Slowly getting all the veggies back on track and seeing some pounds shed. Just walking around with too many and the ankle is not doing good. Want to keep going and it is day by day. Heck, this day has been banana, oatmeal and coffee. Score! Lunch will likely be a sandwich and apple I think.

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