Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Plethera of Packages

Arrived home early due to the shutting down of I-90 for the Blue Angels practice show as they will be performing over the weekend at Seafair.  Working away on several projects and the phone rings.  It is my property manager telling me a box had just arrived with cheese and should she put it up in the apartment as it needs to be refrigerated.  I left her know I was here and she mentioned she would be happy to bring it up and oh, there were two other packages for me. 
 So the above photo shows the gift box of cheese sitting on my "Big Easy Chair" which I love.  It was a birthday present to myself last year.  Sitting on the ledge on the right is a tin of The Portland Building that Meier & frank put out when it opened.  I use it for CD storage.  But back to the gift box, here is a closer view of what was inside.
 It was a selection of four different types of blue cheese.  Smokey Blue, Oregon Blue, Crater Lake Blue & Oregonzola.  They tossed in a small jar of honey to help accent the cheese.  Additionally, there is a set of cheese markers and a cheese bag.  Seriously, who knew there is a bag made just for carrying cheese.  Go figure.  The next box was large but it was deceiving in that it was four pairs of pants.
 Yes, they are one size smaller and quite excited about that.  Also, on the right is a pair of jeans.  I have not had a pair of them in years.  It will be interesting to see how I like wearing them.  But hey, you need to try new things as life changes.  Finally, the third box was a small box shipped from England.
Yes, it was a beaker in honor of the Queen's Jubilee.  A beaker in England is a coffee mug to the US, but just has a tad more elegant look.  On the front which is visible is a picture of the Queen actually smiling and a whole crest thing going on.  The back reads "To Celebrate The Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II  1952-2012."  You might notice that behind the beaker is a lovely violet along with two other plants that were in a basket Janet gave me for Easter...yes folks, they are still alive after 4 months!

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