Monday, June 28, 2010

The Natural Disaster is Over!

OK, so you might have read my posting about my package and how it got lost in some natural disaster last week. Well, all is good in the world. It was rerouted and delivered this day. Just in time as the bed arrives Wednesday. Find out a two hour window when it would happen. Here is hoping for early.

Apartment is actually looking really good and I think I actually have reached a moment where everything is where it should be and nothing is packed somewhere that I might find it in the future by chance. Amazing how a little knick-knack can get packed here or there. Did have one disaster though...a snow globe died! I got it a couple of years ago from two dear friends and it has gone to globe heaven. What a mess to clean up, but thankful for no stain on the carpet.

Monday was pretty darn awesome overall...and so 1 down and 4 to go before a three day holiday weekend that I plan to use to relax and enjoy some books and good times with friends. Yes, a short post this night, but it is news time and Antiques Roadshow is later and that is always a treat to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. I "actually" read your post before talking to you on the phone.
