Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trying To Refocus

After the weekend it is not easy to just just and be back in the swing of things. The past 10 days have proven enough to put anyone to the test. From the trip to Portland and on to Ashland and then back to Seattle to experience the tornado's, the royal wedding and finally the death of Osama Bin Laden made for a mental stew of swirling challenges. Add to that work issues of all sorts and poof, a minor meltdown. Sadly, all too soon since the last. How long can I mange this. I refuse to back down and today showed just how far I will push the envelope. Totally mocked my boss. I would never have done that before. But dang it, I am so not going back to Phoenix. Cannot believe that Kyla walked on us and to think two staff "did not realize how serious it was" is total crap.

So today I do laundry and put dishes away. Write some notes and begin to review what I want to get done in the coming year. Have met a nice guy named Richard and we will see what happens. To think a man who actually can speak full sentences. What a joy. Stay tuned. I am enjoying a light dinner and some television. Plan to call it an early night and push forward with yet, another day. This too shall pass. Yes, sort of a boring post and yet I am feeling very low-key tonight and at the same time I am trying to keep current. But one thing I refuse to let go is that it was 209 years ago that Washington DC became a city. Yeah! That is why the picture above was selected.

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