Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is it Hump Day or Grunt Day?

Greetings to you,

Well, normally Wednesday is known as "Hump Day" as you have made it to the top of the week and now we head down into the weekend. But if you go down to the weekend then why are we so glad it is here? Maybe it is like crossing a finish line. I found the following on the Urban Dictionary website that amused me:

Wednesday, or the hump of the week The absolute BEST day of the week, the day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive. A particularly good hump day can last you the rest of the week, and by Doomday morning (Monday) you survive by anticipating hump day. Nothing goes wrong on hump day Most other days can be defined by hump day.

Tuesday is the day before hump day. Thursday is one day after hump day. Except Friday is WOOOH!!! FREEDOM!!! Day, Saturday is Mostly Hungover day, and Sunday is PreDoom day. Hump day has nothing to do with sex. Unless one wants it to. I like to declare the existence of hump day just to see people's faces. Usually being conservative and all "Do you know what the best thing about Tuesdays are? Its the day before Hump Day!" "What's hump day?" "It's the hump of the week!!" (they all shake their heads in pity).

So while the day is often looked to fondly, I just had a feeling about this day. And it proved to be true on several levels. You see, the mind can only handle so many situations and calculations and decisions in a particular time span. Between the hours of 9 and 10 this morning I was called upon from oh 14-22 different sources to make snap decisions on issues. I short-circuited. It was kinda funny, but I do think I have several staff and vendors quite scared. Oh well, that is their issue, not mine.

It happened again this afternoon when I was basically informed, mistakenly by the way, that an issue was blowing up in Arizona. It took a few calls and calming too many people to see that FIRE had been screamed in the proverbial Movie House. Why? Why? Why?

But guess what...the day is done and I am home relaxing. Much like last night when Markie came over and made an amazing dinner! A lovely pork loin with cinnamon apples plus fresh salad and a loaf of bread that is still being enjoyed. I have to say here and now the Markie makes some of the best bread I have had in a long time. He knows I love heels of bread and often adds extra sides for more heels. He also knows I love salt on the top of a loaf. His recipe for Jewish Egg Bread (Challah) is just fabulous. Butter or Balsamic cannot go wrong. Listen to me, I'm your muther! Add to that cocktails and wine with dinner and well, it was a lovely evening. Tonight it is all about leftovers and I am going to get to read some more of "Best Food Writing 2009" and who knows what I will share next.


  1. For me, nothing can beat 3 p.m. on Fridays! It is the beginning of the weekend and provides so many possibilities. I don't usually measure the week in increments as each day is so unique and gosh, it's usually just fun spending time with my 11 little ones with big personalities. There are days but those only hold negative impact when adult demands interfere. I agree though, today had its challenges. Rest up because there is another one right around the corner!

  2. Sunday as "Pre-doom" day...that made me laugh because it's always kind of how I feel ~ like I need to cram everything in before Monday gets here.

    I don't envy you making all of the split second decisions ~ I don't do well under that sort of pressure and tend to take it out on the messenger. :/
