Monday, May 10, 2010

Taking a Mulligan - No Way!

"Taking a Mulligan" means to make a second tee shot if your first one was ugly. A Mulligan is the same as a "do-over". Officially, Mulligan's are not permitted under the rules of golf. However, under amiable conditions between combatants, it is "sort of" customary to permit someone who has not played in a while to have a second chance on the first tee if their initial drive attempt went badly.

Mulligans are generally frowned upon after the first tee unless the person hitting is a beginner. Because most beginners have difficulty striking fairway woods, it's probably a good idea to let them take a second drive off the tee. That will speed things along for everybody. Seniors also frequently carry a second ball in their pocket to hit a quick Mulligan. This is actually done as a courtesy to others so as not to hold the rest of the foursome up. "Mulligan" is the name given to the second shot taken.

So why the heading? Awoke this morning at 3am-ish to horrible stomach pains and frequent visits to the loo. By 6am it was obvious that there was something quite not right. I was painfully ill. Decided to stay put as there were few options. Lots of water and horizontal rest and after being aware that I was not in the best of shape I finally dazed out completely just past noon. Awoke a bit after 3:30pm in a drenched bed. EXHAUSTED! I took a shower and had some water and dry toast. Feeling better, but not 100%. Early evening I think. So no, I prefer to play through and not take a "do over" thank you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were puny today but happy you're on the mend.
