Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Surprises

Woke up this morning and it was a totally different feel. Maybe the clocks falling back helped and yet the apartment had also made the flip from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Change was in the air and the rain from last night had given way parting clouds and the sun made an appearance. At the same time I really felt a need to continue my focus inward and take the day to do chores around the apartment and read plus catch a movie. After talking to Mick and bowing out of going to Glo's for breakfast - just did not want to try and deal with the lines of traffic - I made up a couple of potato pancakes with sour cream. Turned out real nice with coffee.

Watched "Back to the Future" and it was fun to look back 25 years to a movie I had not seen since it came out. Ah the memories. Then it was time to get the apartment in order and with bright skies I threw open the windows to air out the apartment and then heard the kick off of the Seahawks game - which proved to be a total disaster. Soup and Salad for lunch was good and I even got to make some great phone calls to catch up with people. At the same time I realized I was just not into getting in the car today and going out to dinner. So found Helene online and chatted to let her know I was going to hang at the house and not go out. Yes, I actually put me first and foremost this weekend and feel really rested. Heck, I even got in a nap and tonight I made some coleslaw and a sandwich for dinner. Yummers and it is dark early. So would love to sit here and say it was exciting, but you know what, it might not have been exciting, but oh it was enjoyable. Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lovely day! Ours was much the same - lots of reading and silence, sun coming in. I felt like a lazy cat curled up on the sofa. Something about that added hour, the day went by slow and felt just luxurious. Made a pot of Minestrone-style soup and some Irish Soda Bread for dinner.

    I'm glad you're feeling better and taking care of yourself first. xoxo.
