Two weeks from now I will be back up in Whistler. Have not been up there in a couple of years and it should be a lot of fun. Jodie and Rob are returning to handle the food and oh are they good at that. Always a good time to be sure. For the first time, my sister is going to join in on the fun and my oh my, Markie is going to join in on the trip. He and Curtis are going to be heading up right after their return from Thailand.
This year we have a group just under 50 and are crashing right in the heart of the village at Crystal Lodge. I would like to catch the peak to peak Gondola ride and other than that no real agenda other than making sure everyone is having a good time.
Now back to this day and I can tell you I was just about to have to let go of my usual haircut when a conference call got delayed and so across the water I drove and up to Ruby's to get the usual from Ronell and he is awesome. Looks like he may be moving to a new place to work. Yup, I shall follow.
Back at the office the day flew by and soon I was headed for home as Amazon Fresh is delivering this evening and finally I think everything is back to stocked as I had let a lot of stuff get depleted as I was going on vacation.
One thing I did not get to share yesterday was that when I arrived home Moonsong had been by to clean. He also placed leaves throughout the apartment and to say it is festive would be an understatement. Needless to say, I was floored. I do think I'll need to get some pictures to capture is as a wonderful memory. Catch up later...
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