I so love when a storm approaches. The various weather agencies and TV stations go crazy. It is too funny to watch. Heck, channel 7 is going on the air at 4AM tomorrow morning to have Doppler, Nexrad, Storm-tracker 7000 kick in and be on top of the weather. I will feel for the reporters who will be sent out with wind meters and rulers to "show" the storm LIVE! And you so know it will be like not there. They can only wish. Yes, it is cold. There were brief snow flurries today and I understand that south and north there was more, but my goodness, tonight it is going to get cold. Think even I will be ducking under the covers tonight to snuggle up and stay warm. There is something about the first real storm of the season: EVERYONE MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!
And didn't we just dive right into the middle of it! All was reasonably okay until we hit exit 99 on I-5 north. By the time we took exit 107 and got near the hospital, cars were sliding backward down the street, stuck sideways, etc. What a mess. We were so happy to get there, and it took us two hours to go 40 miles. Later we watched the news in the waiting room and saw the nightmare of I-5 in Seattle. I couldn't believe it. Coming home was fine except that the snow plow has created a berm at the end of our driveway so we have to park at the bottom and walk up until we can chip away the ice shield. :/