Thursday, October 3, 2013

Life Happens

This afternoon I was in a meeting and my phone rang.  It was Moonsong calling me to tell me "there had been an accident" and my heart sunk.  Oh my, was he OK?  What happened?  What can I do?  All these questions raced through my mind as he said this to me.  Alas, a champagne flute had broken while he was dusting.  It was one of a set that I have had which David and I used to Mark the arrival of 2000.  Yes, they are special, but they are only things.  I still have one. 

Life is just too short to get wound up over stuff.  When I moved into the new apartment the movers broke a beautiful art glass piece.  They were sick over it.  I saw it as the time to let go.  The fact that I also got a check for more than I paid for it made me happy.  Things come and go in life and I think we can grow just a tad too attached to the stuff of life.  I have been watching all these storms totally destroying people's lives and how they have to start over.

My friend Michael shared how when they evacuated Long Beach, WA last year after the massive earthquake in Japan and thought a tsunami was coming, he had this feeling as he drove away from his house he would never see any of it any more and had to come to terms with that.  Now mind you, he did return, but it was the spark for him to start letting go. 

For years now I have been "letting go" of things and it feels so good at times to know they are going somewhere that will see a new use for them.  Or even better, when you pass along something to someone and it is so appreciated and you know it will have a fantastic new life where if you kept it dust would be its' friend.  So here is to life happening.

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