Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We Are So Lucky In Seattle

So this heat wave business is getting really out of control as the country is just getting plastered with record temps left and right. A dome of heat and pressure is sitting over us right now and no relief is in sight. Now mind you that is happening in most of the country and not here in Seattle. Nope, we are so lucky. Here is is the 201st day of the year and they were showing on the weather forecast this morning that in the first 200 days of the year we have been below normal for highs each day 172 of those 200. Mind you we have been at regular only 23 and on 5 days we got above the average high. We have had 1 hour at 80 degrees this year, ONE HOUR! Too amazing for words to be sure.We have had some stunning days of beautiful weather and there have been a lot of days that we want to forget, but come on folks, look east and be glad. Talked to a friend this week and at 11pm in Virginia it was 96 degrees without the heat index figured in! ICK!

All I can say is that I love living in Seattle and I have my AC at the ready to keep me comfortable and relaxed. But I do have to ponder that with all this stress on the power grid in this country, doesn't just make it such a target for some of those crazy people around the world? I do worry at times about how they might take aim and shut down one or more of the power plants and begin a full roll out black out- YIKES! Stay cool and drink water!!

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