Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do Not Adjust Your Screen...

Yes, this is the same posting from the one you see on the 25th. I am finally getting caught up on posting the Canada trip and liked this picture I decided to leave it up and have both.Hi folks, last week was a heck of a snow storm in Seattle and then it was off to Whistler for Thanksgiving with a group of 54 for work. It was a lot of work but what a group of people to step up and help. Above is a picture of Janet and me at the Crystal Lodge in Whistler. As the days allow I plan to post a full recap of the trip and dinner at Bare Foot Bistro - oh my! It will take a bit of time and with an upcoming trip down to see Mom on Saturday for a few days plus the holidays, know I will post as I can! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Had a super time! What a beautiful place and wonderful company to share it with. Thanks!
