Friday, October 18, 2013

Foggy Fall Friday

Awoke this morning to the 5th straight day of a foggy morning here in the Emerald City.  I do enjoy the fog and it makes for an interesting commute.  Traffic slows down and at the same time with the sun rising later and later each morning it does make the commute a bit more of a challenge with all the headlights.  Please tell me why people insist on driving with their high beams on?  It is not fun.  Do notice that I drive a lot more defensively.  At the same time as the sun does rise and light plays a greater role, it makes for a spooky atmosphere until the fog departs.  Sometimes by noon, other days it hangs until late afternoon.

We are enjoying a rather calm month of cool & dry weather after that freak storm at the end of September.  I am so not complaining, I like the cooler temps as it makes for better sleeping weather.  The drive home in the afternoon also is a joy at times as I get to indulge in the beauty of the changing colors.  This is really my favorite time of the year. 
This weekend is the last for Damon on this trip as he flies home on Monday evening.  It has been a good and quite the learning experience for us.  We continue to grow and appreciate each other more and more.  He is flying home to have his Lazik surgery done and returns on November 20th for an extended visit and to help me move.

Yes, I have come to the decision that I just do not like where I am currently living.  Funny how I just loved the apartment down at Uwajimaya Village for 7 years and never thought about the thought of leaving and now here at the Solara I cannot even think about staying.  My lease expires February 3rd and Damon plans on staying through the 10th of the month.  He is going to help me move.  What he is currently thinking about is whether he is going to make Seattle his home base starting in the new year or keep with Las Vegas which he really does not like.  I shave shared that he has until the end of December to make that decision as it would determine what kind of apartment would be selected to move into.  Stay tuned.

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