Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Unique Death Option...

I always wondered what the world would look like in a few couple more decades when you consider our practices for handling the dead. As we all know, we can expect two things to show up without fail: taxes and death. But with death comes burial, and with countless years of traditional burial comes a growing amount of earth that is being spent primarily on housing rows of tombstones. Is 1/3 of the world going to be a cemetery come 2075? Where are we going to put everyone?

Well, in recent years the concept of bio-friendly ways of committing ourselves back to the earth has become very very creative! It’s not enough to simple be cremated, spending the rest of eternity on a mantle in someone’s living room – why not become something that lives? Why not become a tree?
The Bios Urn is a biodegradable urn made from coconut shell, compacted peat and cellulose and inside it contains the seed of a tree. Once your remains have been placed into the urn, it can be planted and then the seed germinates and begins to grow. You even have the choice to pick the type of plant you would like to become, depending on what kind of planting space you prefer.
It’s not eternal life, but it gets damn close! 
Found this on a site called Natural Cures Not Medicine.  The product designer is Gerald Moline.  And now you have learned something completely new for this Sunday.

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