Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Where Did The Day Go

This is kind of how I felt most of the day today.  Way too much to get done and not enough hours in the day.  I am not a huge fan of Tuesdays to begin with and today was a pretty busy one.  In fact, the past several have been a bit on the crazy side.  I had two video conference calls this day and there was the funding request plus trying to review 9 calendars which I have to share...Mark, my boss, claims that I have NOTHING to do at my job other than to sit and review the calendar. 

Yeah, that is so not true.  Dealing with multiple sexual harassment claims right now - a lot of them stem from people giving out their numbers quickly and then the texting begins followed by facebook and from there suddenly no interest by one or other party.  Somehow this gets to be our fault at the office.  Then there are the members who have expired but try to keep going to events as guests of current members.  This is a big no-no.  In perspective, we used to have maybe a half dozen of these complaints a year.  It is only June and I have dealt with over 30. 

Additionally, today was car check-up day.  Took the car into the dealership for a complete check on the frame to see if any damage from the accident last week.  There was none, quite thankful about that.  Additionally they did a lube and oil change as that was due and some recall repair on a light.  It took about 90 minutes at the end of the day which made my commute home end up being over an hour due to the later hour of the commute.

I usually leave the office by 3pm and get home well before 4pm.  Today I left the dealership at 4:45pm and got home just at 6pm to watch NBC Nightly News.  Maybe it was me, but it seemed like a light news day which was a nice change of pace.  Dinner was a salad clean and simple.  Seemed to not really be that hungry, and that is just fine.  Tomorrow night I am going to do something with ground chicken I have thawed in the frig. 

The weather has been fabulous this week and that is a good thing.  In the 70's for the most part.  Clouds are beginning to roll in and the next several days are to be quite cloudy and rain is forecast.  We are behind in rain fall for the month so that will be a good thing.  Plus, when I talk to Damon in Las Vegas where it was 114 today, I am so not complaining!  Back east it is in the high 90's and humid.  Not fun!  So now I need to get along, but know that tomorrow's post is a bit of "food for thought."

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