Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stormy Night & A Moment

The winds did not disappoint. Destruction Island off the NW Olympic coast hit 72 knots...that is 83 mph! Hurricane strength gusts (to be fair hurricanes have sustained winds greater than 64 knots), still it was quite a storm we had hit yesterday and through the night. You can see by the picture below a lot of homes went without power when the tree hit the power lines. Glad I am in the city and while some lines are above ground, many are below. It is funny, since I have lived in this building we have lost power only once and it was the night before I was to leave for Mexico a couple of years ago to go to the Copper River Canyon and oh my, missed my original flight and ended up making it by the skin of my teeth to El Paso, TX. That's a fun memory to re-visit.

Last night my windows rattled and it was pretty intense at times. The billboards had their ads flail in the wind and when I drove to work this morning there were a lot of trees and debris all about and many lanes on roads were closed. Traffic was like a snail at times, but you know, it is all good. You get to slow down and smell the roses or a lot of exhaust if your car window is rolled down. OK, bad joke, but hey it was a long day. Gearing up for a great weekend with the Ya-Ya's and it kicks off tomorrow with Judy's arrival via train from Portland. Rob and Jodie will join us here and then off to enjoy Chinese and get the weekend going.

The girls arrive Saturday with our newest inductee and then Michael arrives from Astoria. He is stopping there tomorrow for the season's final Vintner's dinner. Cannot believe it is already a month since I was over the to enjoy the last one with him. Below is a dog you just could not fail to love. Edgar! He was a boxer Michael took in and oh how he got us all to love him while he was with us. Michael sent it to me and I wanted to share. Enjoy and for now, Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I guess I can't complain about the weather since we didn't have those harsh winds. I am finding it difficult to walk around in webbed feet though.
