Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can't Stand By & Be Silent

Perhaps October, being GLBT History Month, we can take the time to refocus on our youth and taking care of them so they can appreciate history, not make it so young. What has been happening in September is not just plain sad, it shows there is a real problem. People might not like homosexuality, but suicide is not acceptable under any circumstance. Period!

Student's Suicide Highlights Bullying Over Sexuality

The suicide of a Rutgers University freshman student whose sex life was broadcast over the Web stirred outrage and remorse from classmates who said they wished they could have stopped him from jumping off a bridge last week.

"Had he been in bed with a woman, this would not have happened," said Lauren Felton, 21, of Warren, N.J. "He wouldn't have been outed via an online broadcast, and his privacy would have been respected, and he might still have his life."

Gay-rights groups say Tyler Clementi's suicide makes him a national example of a problem they are increasingly working to combat: young people who kill themselves after being tormented over their sexuality.

A lawyer for Clementi's family confirmed Wednesday that he had jumped off the George Washington Bridge last week. His body was identified Thursday.

Click here to read the entire story!
This story was compiled by NPR Staff and Wires

1 comment:

  1. It really is outrageous and soooo sad. I heard about them finding him this morning on the news. Apparently there is little or nothing they will do to the perpetrators though. I don't understand why there seem to be no boundaries with people who do these things, no common sense or decency. It's all a big joke. I read an article this morning that listed 4 other suicides just in September, related to bullying over homosexuality, the youngest two boys only 13 years old. A tragedy that I will truly never understand.
