Sunday, September 5, 2010

State Visit to Oregon - Downtown Darlene

So from Faerie coffee I made my way downtown to take in the new urban park located across from Fox Tower. It is really quite the place and totally urban complete with parking underneath. Yes folks there is parking for several hundred cars under the fountain dedicated to the Teacher's Foundation as noted on the granite ball in the middle of the fountain. It is a child friendly fountain that has signs posted to not drink the water and at the same time it has a festive pool for them to run in that drains each night. Lots of tables for people to sit and eat or socialize.
To the north is Max and it goes by all the time now with 3 or 4 lines shooting here and there and everywhere. Really nice and then looking to the south look at the expanse. Note the glass canopy above where at night there is a light show and to the right is Violetta's a new Slow Food Fast Restaurant concept place that Darlene openly admits to visiting all too often. While Darlene and I sat here we did move around a bit during our visit to jump to shade for my frail skin you know. Below is the granite ball I referred to above. It is quite lovely as was the entire fountain experience. This next picture shows you one of the brand new MAX trains. They have just completed the Green line and now that makes four lines. The streetcar is going to broach the Willamette and they plan to have it feed the east side and thus feed into MAX at multiple locations. God love Portland and its' forward thinking. Oh and off to the right is one of two signs telling people not to drink the water. Seriously, people are jumping in the fountain and need to be told not to drink the sad of modern society. This is Darlene...ain't she great! I have known this chick for going on a decade, how scary and yet we are fast friends and she is a hoot! Her birthday is on the 15th and so I got Lisa at Mother's to sign off a copy of her cookbook as a gift. Darlene has a warm and generous heart and does so many nice things for her tenants at The Gentry where I lived when I was in Portland those last years. God I miss that place and that apartment!So from here it was off on the next phase of my visit...are you ready?

End of Posting five - State Visit to Oregon

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