Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Congratulations Lisa!

I have a good friend, Lisa Morrison, who lives in Portland and is known as the Beer Goddess.  We have known each other for years.  She and her husband, Mark, have a passion for beer.  Each week she hosts a radio show called Beer O'clock that is focused on beer and has been a judge at numerous beerfests.  A couple of years ago, she was able to invest in a retail establishment in Portland.  It has been doing great.
Now, it has been listed as one of the 33 best in the country.  Half bottle shop and half beer bar, walking into Belmont Station is like walking into a museum, or a temple to the God of Hops (Hopseclese?):  With 1,200 bottles crammed into a shop the size of your average convenience store, you can spend hours staring at beers from throughout the world. And you can consume anything on site, whether it’s a bottle of a rare lambic or a bomber of a seasonal from local brewers like Breakside and Hair of the Dog.  There's also an adjoining biercafe (and huge patio) serving up one-offs from local brewers and hard-to-find imports, in case you prefer your rare beers in a pint rather than a bottle.

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