Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Fob & Keys

So I have to take a moment and share that I am getting settled into the new apartment ever so slowly.  I have come to realize that it more my own deadline than anything to get settled.  But in doing so it is interesting how many keys and the fob it takes to get around the building.  So I make my way through Seattle traffic and get home...
Now the good thing is that I usually do not have this kind of traffic in each direction I drive.  This is a good thing to be sure.  And so I arrive at the parking garage and use the fob to get in the building.  OK, so I park on one of three levels of parking and there is always a space which is such a welcome change.  Then it is time to go to the elevator, time for the gold key to get in that door.  Then I call the elevator and once it arrives I have to use the fob to activate the elevator.

Let's stop and check the mail.  That would be the lobby level and then I have to use the fob again to get in the mail room and the mailbox key to get into the mailbox.  Back to the elevator and use the fob to activate the elevator for level 5 (which is actually the 6th floor) and off I go.  At the apartment door I use the silver key to get in that door and I am now home.  OY!  Enough of the fob and key game, but it is all about security.  So they say. 

There is a call box at the front door to my building and so I can buzz people in, but then have to go down and meet them since the fob is needed to activate the elevator.  So anyone coming over or a delivery, I am headed downstairs to meet them.  Well, I guess that means no surprise visits.  That can be a good thing.  Oh and that gold key that got me in the building at the parking level is also the key you need to get in the various facilities around the complex like the swimming pool or party room if need be.  Then there is the big screen theater and the weight room and trust me I will never use it to get in the tanning bed room!

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