Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Slumber

The day was about getting the apartment more settled and yet at a pace that was doable.  It was just about as bland and vanilla as it could be and that was just fine by me. Mind you, it was not boring. I was able to get the two closets in order and the bathroom is doing quite nicely. The kitchen continues to be like a camp out in some ways. Not my favorite. But all this is making more room in the living room/dining room so it can get settled. I like the leisurely pace I took and at the same time got some phone calls in and some me time as well.

Friday night did see the grocery delivery and I am just taking each day slow and steady. There is no easy fix for this whole weight issue and I need to get a grip on it. It is more than frustrating to see just how easy it is to put weight on and yet it is not nearly as easy to get it off. But, I did make that re-commitment to taking it day by day. I went in on Amazon fresh and deleted all the tempting items from my past purchase history and that was a good first step. Now, it is getting through the first weekend and when that is done, the next challenge is to get through the week.

The suggestions by several people for me to let go of this artificial deadline to get everything done has been a very positive thing. It has allowed my creative juices to flow and make some changes on what will go where as I get settled. It would be nice to have a majority of the boxes opened and put away by the time Damon arrives on the 7th of May, but at the same time he has shared that he is more than happy to help me out when he gets here.

Oh he will as there will be boxes that need to come back to the office and then also several more boxes will be ready for the woman's shelter and also Goodwill. Additionally, I plan to sort though the books one more time and let go of even more of them to the semi-annual book sale. They take donations through the end of May. The roll away bed will head to Markie's place and there are a couple of other items headed his way as well.

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