Friday, June 22, 2012

Changes Continue to Happen

Whew!  What a week it has been.  Funny how there are long periods of "Why is nothing happening?" and then poof, things jump forward with lightening speed.  That is how it has felt this week.  From getting the apartment changed back last week, I began using the dining table as my office.  Now, about 10 days later, I have moved the "office" back to the computer cabinet.  And yes, I did it all by myself this morning.  It took many small steps, but it all happened by 8am.  See how good things happen when you get up early! 

Now the dining table is just that and is looking quite nice with an orchid from my second cousins, Amy and Damien.  The Golden Gate Bridge S&P still is in place and there is a new addition. 

It will be quite enjoyable to have a martini out of the glass, but the question remains, "Where did it come from?"  I had someone open the door to my closet recently and noticed a round container.  It was black and had a band around it, oh wait, here is a picture so you know what I am talking about.
Yes, it says Vixen.  I may be a Vixen, but the glass is quite lovely and hand painted.  This is not my first festive martini glass from this vendor as I received a "Birthday" martini glass from Curtis a few years back.  Well, I am completely at a loss as to where this glass came from.  If anyone reading this is the giver, I would love to hear from you.  Asked several people already and have had no luck, but boy does it make for a great who-dun-it!

I leave you this day with a fortune I got a while back, but have kept around as it is pretty good:

Nature, time and patience are the three best physicians.

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