Sunday, June 24, 2012

What The Heck Are Those?

Why yes, they are old fuddy-duddy Velcro tennis shoes in that ever popular putty color.  Yes, folks, after how many months of walking around the apartment in Birkenstock sandals, I figured it was time to get serious about walking again.  Have been putting the walker aside more and more.  It is a very good feeling and the day saw me walking to and from the bathroom and kitchen to the living room numerous times. 

Spending the day doing a series of small projects from gluing seashells to a picture frame, to sorting DVD's and putting them away.  Photo CD's still call me, but a nap might win.  Have the Olympic Diving Trials on in the background and it is cool that they are being held down I-5 in Federal Way, WA.  Later tonight will be more coverage of the Olympic Track & Field Trials that are being held in Eugene, OR.  So folks, the pacific northwest is getting a lot of promotion this weekend.

Oh, some of you have not seen a picture of me since the beard went away due to using the CPAP for sleeping and so here you go, don't be afraid.  Yes, a nap is due and then I will need to do some prep for dinner tonight as I host Curtis to mark his birthday and his partner Josh. Markie will join us for steaks, asparagus, coleslaw and deviled eggs.  In closing, today is Gay Pride in New York City, San Francisco and Seattle among other cities.  However you may mark the day, I hope you have a great day.  If you don't celebrate the day, move on, this is not for you!

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