Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summertime, Summertime...

Yes, summer arrived yesterday at 4:09pm pacific time and it was good to see it arrive, as it means that we are on our way to fall and the beautiful colors, truly, my favorite season of the year.  OK, so getting a little ahead of myself, but I am in a very happy mood as I got some STUNNING news yesterday.  Back on May 29th, I stepped on the scale and was shocked and saddened to see that it read 618.5 and I had put on nearly 40 pounds.  How?  Why?  Questions were many and I was so frustrated.

Well, I was put on a diuretic and held steady to my meal plan.  Exercise continued at 6 days a week with new items being added weekly.  And so yesterday when I stepped on the scale and it read 497.2 I was FLOORED!  Down 121.3 pounds!  Amazed beyond words and totally giddy.  As the doctor said, I likely dropped 30-40 pounds a week in fluid and 5-8 pounds a week on the meal plan and exercise routine.  And so it goes as I continue on my journey to better health.  It is not a time to rest on my laurels, but hey, Jodie and Rob did stop by for a celebratory cocktail (vodka tonic w/ lime for me).  I was also pleased when Dr. Lindquist said I could enjoy some lemon sorbet as a treat.  Likely this weekend.

Speaking of sorbet, I remember in my youth that we looked forward to getting an ice cream each day when the ice cream man came round.  Now a lot of kids grew up with the usual ice cream truck (left) driving around often playing the theme from "The Sting" to grab your attention.  But in Ashland, where I grew up we did not have the trucks until well into my teens.  Back in the early years when we still lived at 697 Indiana there was a special vehicle that came round nearly every day and we would take our dimes out to greet the ice cream man.

Yes, this was our "ice cream truck" for many years.  Thanks to my brother Mike for finding this photo and bringing back some great childhood memories.  Cheers!

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