Monday, June 18, 2012

Foggy Monday Morning

Woke up way too early this morning and decided to not try and just lounge as there is a lot to get done.  But in seeing the light of day arrive on the later spring day, I was thrilled to see the fog roll in and wrap the city in the comfort of mystery.  We have been so darn lucky this spring with cool temps and yet some lovely days with the 70 degree mark being hit. 

The past three days has had me sorting through a lot of paperwork.  Boy, how it piles up and yet, it is times like this where you get a chance to get a handle on it.  Attached a box of cards and various mementos that I knew one day would be put into scrape books.  Who am I kidding, that is so not going to happen.  Thus, I am going to make a memory box instead to visit and enjoy.  There was also attacking the wooden computer cabinet that had not been touched since January.  It was good to get things back in order. 

Slowly getting back to my old routine and yet it will never be the old routine again.  I exercise 6 days a week now - yes you read that right - I am exercising now!  But it is good to shake off the medicinal feeling that was in the apartment and get it back to feeling like my place.  Between walking without the walker last week and then the fantastic flowers being delivered, I felt there were several good kick start points to get moving forward.

There are still projects to get to, as there always is, but I am feeling so much better.  Plus, having Moonsong stop by and clean the space just gives it all a good shake out.  Breakfast was some great Greek Yogurt with protein powder and blueberries.  A great way to jump start the day.  Now, there is some writing to get to and work to be done.  Have a great day, I know I will.

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