Sunday, April 28, 2013

Happiness & Contentment

So I gave a ring to my friend Jodie today and asked how the trip to Disneyland went.  They went down for 5 days and had a grand time.  It was her first time and Rob had a ball showing her around.  It was their long delayed honeymoon.  In fact today marks their 1st anniversary.  Well you could not get her to stop going on and on about all the fun.  There was such joy in her voice and I am thrilled they go to go.  I do believe that the World of Color show was her favorite.  Below are some images from that show.  They were right in front and got quite wet.

It is a show of music, lights, water, fire and projected images on water as well.  If you visit Disneyland's website you can see a short video to give you a better idea (Click Here).

Otherwise, there was a sense of contentment about today and in fact this weekend.  I set up a very reachable goal of emptying a box or moving something into position at least every half hour.  Sometimes I got more than that done and other times I did just on thing and took a break to enjoy a movie that was playing.  There were actually a couple over the weekend and they were such that you could come and go and still get the overall theme of the movie.  I continue to keep on task with the weight reduction and it is feeling quite good.  Boy, those first days of reducing the carb load was not fun.  But now I am seeing the benefit of getting back on track and want to keep moving in that direction.  Tonight will be a green bean salad with grape tomatoes marinated in a balsamic vinaigrette and has feta cheese on top for the protein. 

Counting the hours until the new bed arrives tomorrow.  Yes, I am quite excited!  The bed frame arrived last Thursday and the new sage sheets arrived on Friday.  Tomorrow, the bed will be delivered sometime between noon and 4pm.  So looking forward to tomorrow night and enjoying my new found comfort.

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