Monday, April 8, 2013

The Move Happened

Good Evening, it has been quite the week. In some ways it was good how it all turned out, I learned a lot this weekend. Being surrounded by all those boxes and bags it was a whole lot of stuff and yet I did not have access to it. I had to really live simple with a few items and it showed just how easy it is to get by without much. I do see another round of letting go happening as I unpack and see that while I have enjoyed a lot of things over the years, much can be released into the universe.
One item that has already been released is the rainbow glass sculpture. It did not make the move in one piece. A claim has been filed and it is funny in that while I owned it for over a decade I was always concerned that it would break. Well, it did finally and so I let it go. I can say without hesitation that the two movers were great guys and yes, they had really nice butts to look at! LOL! Hey, I can window shop and there is no problem there. 
Alas, today came early and it was up doing final loads of laundry and making sure all cabinets were empty and I was ready by 9am. They arrived just after 9 and it was all empty by 10:45am. I met them up at the new place and the one bummer was the slow elevator. But they got it done and now the apartment is still awash in boxes that I am slowly tackling 4-5 boxes a day. I am in no rush, no reason. I will get the main wall unit up this weekend most likely. My goal today was to return cable stuff to old provider and get some errands run. The bed got set-up and hey, I even installed my own cable and internet.
The CPAP got put together and I enjoyed an evening of watching an amazing sunset - that will be a real treat with the new place kind of reminding me of the days at the beach house and those stunning sunsets.  Reminds me of the days at the beach house at Arch Cape and watching the sunsets.

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