Monday, April 15, 2013

The Foot & Boston

Decided to manage as best I could with the foot, but before long knew a trip to the emergency clinic was needed. Got there and they were impressed with what I had done, but really got it cleaned and dressed proper and gave me added dressing plus some pain killers. I do not like them and they make me have horrible dreams. Took 4 of the 6 that they gave me, but then stopped as I need to consider going into the office tomorrow and when taking them do not feel safe to drive.  Worked from home this day to the point of making some calls and having staff laugh at me.

Then it happened.  Just before noon our time, the news breaks that there had been two explosions in Boston near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.  So very sad.  There has been a lot of coverage and so will not revisit, but did like this graphic I saw on a friend's facebook posting:
Did hear from my friend Tim that he was ok and that his friends who were at the race were fine.  Also, another friend was actually running the race and got stopped at mile 25.  It is truly sad to see that it is becoming increasingly dangerous to just attend simple public events.  But then, we are not alone.  Look only to see what is happening in Iraq.  Here is a posting from my friend Helene on her facebook:  While heinous bomber(s) killed and maimed in Boston, in Iraq, leading up to this weekend's elections, the current casualty count for several bombings is 36 with over 200 wounded. I think of the people in Boston, and I think of the people in Iraq.  I can only pause and think of all that is happening around us.

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