Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Visit To The Barber

Yes folks, today was that time to visit the male bastion - The Barber Shop.  Where else can you go and have multiple TV screens up on the walls blazing with different sports as the 5 barbers discuss all the days sports with the first pre-season game of the Seahawks front and center.  Heck, even two of them use chewing tobacco and thus are spitting away throughout my stay.  If it were not for the fact that Ronnel was such a good stylist I would likely move along, but I have followed him to three different places and he has done my hair for 7 years.  He even came to the hospital and my apartment when I was recouping from last year's illness.  He is quite into sports and it is amusing to listen to him and the others talk away.
The one thing I really like about the shop is the classic elements mixed in with the modern electronics.  To the left is what the chairs look like and believe you me that they do tip back some clients for a straight-edge shave.  I opt to not go for that.  But Ronnel is good and even trims the eyebrows and ear hair.  Oh yes, the pains of growing old.  This particular shop has been around for about 15 years now and Rex, the owner is funny.  He has a joke for everyone coming in and even though he is not that much older than the rest of the crew, you know he is the father figure.  Haircut and beard trim run $20 and that is a darn fine price this day in age.  Granted, if I could pay another $5 and not have to listen to all the rap music playing in the background, I would.  But beggars can't be choosers.

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