Thursday, February 6, 2014

What A Thursday

Boy, what a difference a day makes.  The storm swooped in on the Portland area and here is the big statue of "Portlandia" in downtown Portland getting a mess of snow.  It was amazing to watch on TV as none of it got up to Seattle proper.  To the south, they got hit.  My sister shared that school let out early and she had nealy 4" where she was.  Some places got up to a foot.
I find it interesting that something can fall and make a scene so picture perfect and yet it can do so much damage at the same time.  Heard about a couple of huge accidents in Oregon.  And California was not left alone as they are getting hit with a lot of badly needed rain.  Who knew.  Below is what Portland had today, a scene we have seen a lot of this year back east!  Could not deal with that!  And just as the storm was a big story today locally, down in southern California Jay Leno was saying good bye. 
Indeed, it was quite the show that they put together with Billy Crystal and then a whole cast of notables coming out singing the famous "Sound of Music" good bye song.  Carol Burnett, Oprah and others all performed.  It got quite emotional at the end, but was classy.  Now the show is moving back to New York which is where it originally began.

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