Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter to All!

A pause for Easter Sunday!

On this day I thought it would be fun to just share a couple of things with you. First of all, here is a picture taken of a couple of things that I like at Easter. My sister gave me the Easter Frog and it always makes me smile. Next to my Easter Frog is a little plaque I made from a card I got once. If you cannot read it, it says:
The Easter Bunny began with the Pagan Festival of the springtime goddess, Eostre, when it was said that the goddess Totem, the moon-hare, would lay eggs for good children to eat.

The giving of an egg is an ancient tradition symbolizing man's faith in life's renewal - an age old expression of love.
I gave that message in a floating frame much like this one to several people a few years back in Portland along with a lovely stone like egg. I keep my purple one on display in the apartment year round.

Then next to the plaque is a little bunny popping out of a Easter egg. My dear friend Ani gave me this when we were in Istanbul, Turkey in 2004. I awoke Easter morning to this and a lovely card waiting. I treasure it knowing the love and thought that went into picking it out before the trip and then schlepping it over and having it to surprise me. She is a dear friend who has been in my life path now for over 25 years!