Thursday, April 22, 2010

You just have to ask yourself Why?

So I am now home after an 11 hour day at the office. Yes they still happen and being this is the first week without Trista, I figured I would have to put in some hours. Mind you, I really liked working with Trista, but there have been some things this week that make one pause:

Why were 4 employee's payroll just forgotten in Minneapolis last week when payroll was inputted? Why were the two Texas payrolls sent to Seattle "by mistake" and another 5 payroll errors that had to be corrected. Makes one go hmmmm.

Why is it that when one of my staff sent in their paperwork for health insurance back in early March did they not get put in. Now I heard he had not sent it, but that did not make sense. Debi, Trista's replacement found said paperwork in a pile. Sent it to the insurance company and within 5 minutes he was covered.

Why is it that I was told it was a long and drawn out process to get a credit card for our Canadian event coordinator was I able to get it done in 4 email exchanges and one signature by the owner.

Why did a check for over $1400.00 from early February sit unopened in a pile of papers. It was the refunded amount of money from "Billy Elliot" tickets that we got refunded for from December NYC trip. It got deposited today.

Why were staff told over and over that email addresses could not be added because it just took too long? I entered 16 email addresses in less than two hours. Now all employees have email addresses.

Why did I give up the remodeling folder "for safe keeping" and now it cannot be found?

It just goes to show that you never really know what is or was going on until change happens.

So Mark was to come up and visit next week and well, I said NO! The Phoenix office is moving and he needs to be there to help them get relocated. He was pleased I had seen that before him. He also commented that Debi and I do not sound totally freaked out. We're not. A bit overwhelmed, yes. Not freaked out.

And that is all I have to say for the day as I am one pooped pup!

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