Panavision X-Rays = $132
Consult with specialist = $125
Prep work = $500 (or so)
Implant procedure = $1120.00 per tooth
Finish work = $1300.00
So I am seeing at lease $4,000 to get this done. And it is urgent. Oh please. I will discuss with my dental insurance and well, I just might let the Armageddon happen and who knows if all I can eat is soft food, I might loose weight!
So back at the office we are on full court press to finish getting calendars ready for going live tomorrow and there is drama with Trista leaving and well what can happen next? I happen to take a moment and there is an email to me in my gmail account from the IRS. WHAT? I got $491.00 back this year and they sent me an additional $200+ as an adjustment from last year and I go oh no, there was an error. So I open it and OMG! I am getting another check from them. Appears I filed something and in reviewing I am getting an additional $351.00 from the government. So, I have now requested a full three year review to see if I get anymore and because I have asked and I owe something I will not get zinged, but hey, I might get some more. Who knows. So this year with adjustment from 2008 I will get over $1,000 back. Who knew!
On top of that I know I shared pictures with all of you yesterday about my glass table and the Safeco Field and how it relates to me. On the on picture there is a picture that Sandy took in December. She was nice enough to send along and so here we go:
It is clear to me that the $1,000 came into your life so that you could 1/4th of your mouth fixed... now chose what 1/4th that will be!
ReplyDelete"get" jumped off the page from the previous post and should be repositioned between the word "could" and "1/4th".
ReplyDeleteThank you! From, the Wordsmith