Sunday, April 25, 2010

Moments of Wonder

Sundays are wonderful things! They are a bonus in so many ways. I was up early this morning and puttering and the phone rings. Moonsong is calling and he is the most amazing person. He comes to the apartment every other Sunday or so and cleans. It is a thing of beauty. I really, really do not like to clean and he does a wonderful job. At times he leaves little surprises. Today, he left a sure sign of spring. I present Lilacs!

So while he was here I was up having breakfast with Jodie and Rob. Two dear friends and we are planning a dinner for May 15th. It will have 6 courses and an Intermezzo to transition from the first three courses that are being paired with whites to the final three courses that are being paired with reds. We are keeping it to 7 or 8 people and it should be a lot of fun. We had breakfast at Patty's Eggnest. Been a few times, fun to go to but you need to get there early. The orange juice is awesome but I just can't finish my breakfast there, too big of portions. We were going to share a Nutter Butter French Toast, but that will hold for another time.

So from there it was on to get gas and then take a break and read. When I decided to stay put in the apartment another year I told myself I was going to take time to go and enjoy the mountains and water. Have found a park over on Magnolia (neighborhood in Seattle) that is right on the water and is quiet. I took some New Yorkers and just read. Looked at the view numerous times and got caught up on the backlog of magazines. Even got the current issue out of the way. So then drove down and dropped them at Markie's in his mailbox. Had texted to see if home and no reply. That was at like at just before 11am. Heard nothing and did not recognize the car out front and so dropped the items in his mailbox and headed home. Nearly an hour later he replied via text - "Yes" and then called. We had a good laugh. Curt was up from Olympia and it would have been nice to see him. But I also wanted to get home as one thing Moonsong was also doing this day was fixing my chairs that sit around the dining room table. He put in new screws and redirected them. They are solid to be sure. Mind you they were not in any shape like these:

Isn't that a hoot! I am always amazed and in wonderment over the thing you can find on the internet. Have no idea where this was taken, but found it and just had to share. If you go to their sight there are some funny pictures and some weird stuff and some tasteless stuff as a fair warning. I just stopped by as a click through and saw the image and thought it would be fun to share as my chairs were being repaired. I also saw another picture that I felt deserved a sharing moment of wonder. It takes the hab-a-trail for Hamsters to a whole new level. Think of all you could get done in the morning or evening. You exercise and reading at the same time!

And so there you have a few moments of wonder in a variety of presentations. I am looking forward to seeing Helene later on for dinner. In closing, another moment of wonder on Sunday is a nap, I think I will indulge in that wonder now. Cheers!


  1. I agree with Judy about the chair picture. That would be cool if framed and placed in a dining room. :-)
