Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kind of a New Routine

When I get home at night, I now grab a beverage and head over and catch the headlines on PBS. Watch some and then take a few minutes and gather my thoughts and poof, a new entry is born. There is something comforting in routine. The one routine I REALLY need to get back into is watching my weight and oh, how about some exercise. But, hey, baby steps people. As many of you know I am staying put in my apt. and quite content in that decision. Watching the planes land and take off from Boeing Field and Sea-Tac is part of a routine as well. The ability to look out and see what the traffic is or being one of the first structures to get hit by a storm coming from the south has a certain comfort level. All part of routines. My morning has taken on a very predictable routine.

Here is what usually happens - wake up, NPR goes on, coffee going, shower and get ready for work, breakfast (coffee, cereal, banana) and watch local news & weather. I have tried to add a little extra to this by completing a task each morning:
packing away a holiday (like Easter)
writing birthday
cards and/or notes
sorting a drawer or tub

Something to keep moving forward. It is all about perspective. The way I look at it is that I have been in this place now for 4 years and well, if I have not used it or opened it, now you have to earn staying with me. Why? Well, knowing I am moving next year most likely is one thing and if I stay here, well the space is full. Sure there is some white space around, but you need that. I love, love, love living simple. It is what it is all about. So I am going to tackle a few projects in the coming months:

selling off the roster dishes and giving Mom the money as they were hers
getting a new box spring and mattress
sorting out all the crap under the sink in the bathroom
getting some new accent pieces in the kitchen to use for dinners here
changing out at least 3 of the dining chairs with different ones for interest
letting go of at least 20% of the stuff in the apartment

Initially, I thought the last entry would be 10% but anyone can do that. I really enjoy a sense of simple living and letting go of stuff has proven to be so much easier than I ever thought. It is freeing and cleansing and it also puts the spotlight on me. If I can do this to my environment, then I can damn well do it to me as well. It is a challenge and so I am going to march on. We will keep you updated on this.

Not a lot more to be said the the night as it is raining outside and I am going to have a favorite dinner of mine, salad and a couple of baked potatoes. Love them with some cottage cheese plus salt and pepper. Delicious. Have some apples that are crying to be enjoyed as well. Tomorrow will be breakfast at dinner to finish up some stuff as I am still on target to head to Portland on Saturday to see Janet. Cheers!


  1. I love this - one of my favorite posts of yours. Everything sounds very peaceful and I really enjoy hearing about where people find their joy ~ yours is in simplicity of living and appreciating routine instead of being critical of it, as some are wont to do. Bravo my friend ~

  2. I have been inspired by your philosophy of "simplifying" life. I have cleared out my clothes closet, moved furniture for a more "homey" look, and organized shelves. More to do but cleaning is a journey. See you soon!
