Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fabulous BBQ Last Night

This should give you an idea of the amount of fun we were having last night.  I think the above picture was taken by Damon.  Jodie, the kitchen goddess, is at the top and then me followed by Jeff.  This was a fun night and one where everyone contributed to make it a feast that will not soon be forgotten.
Rob takes poring wine very seriously and this is no exception.  I was a tad amused to discover that Jodie made it a point of bringing stemware for drinking in that mine are a little on the stubby side.  Now if memory serves me, I do believe that is bottle #7 that he is pouring, a Cabernet.  Can you say yum!
Jeff and Damon pausing during dinner for the mandatory picture.  Damon is eating one of the many grilled veggies we had to choose from.  Jeff brought a plethora of veggies and seriously the biggest bell peppers I have ever seen.  there was also corn on the cob, mushrooms, red bell peppers and zucchini. 
I was so happy to get this fun photo of Rob and Jodie knowing that Jodie especially is not a fan of having her picture taken.  Perhaps it was the fun of the evening or the amount of wine consumed, but she was more than willing to pose.  Maybe that it was with her hubby as well helped.
Yes, yes they insisted on a picture of me for the blog posting and so since I was right near the salad Jodie made, she leaned over to pose with me in the picture.   do think we are all looking a little rosy since we had managed over the course of nearly six hours to enjoy 3 bottles of white, a bottle of Pinot Noir and then 3 bottles of Cabernet to make for a fun evening.  And that was really just 4 of us as Damon is not a big fan of wine so he stuck with screwdrivers. 
Brace yourselves, we are now moving into the food pictures but seriously, the food was stunning!  Above is my plate just as we sat down to dinner.  Rob did an amazing job of grilling the ribeye steaks to perfection.  That is a mighty tasty blue cheese on top of the steak (and no I did not finish it as I enjoyed the veggies a lot - guess we are having the rest with eggs for breakfast this morning).  Yes, grilled onions and corn on the cob plus behind the steak is Jodie's salad.
This is a close-up of Jodie's salad.  It is a grilled mushroom with spinach and cherry tomatoes.  Add some feta cheese and a reduced balsamic dressing and it was soooooooo good.  There was hardly any leftover.
Besides the steaks I contributed a Caprese Salad I made with gorgeous beefsteak tomatoes that Damon picked out at the market.  There were only 4 used in this salad, that is how big they were.  I then placed Mozzarella Cheese between the slices and added fresh basil.  Finally I drizzled a balsamic vinaigrette over all to tie it all together.  We attempted but failed to finish the salad.  So glad it made its' way home with the guests as we still have two more huge tomatoes in the frig to use up.
This is kind of an overview of all the veggies that made the table groan.  Heck, even Gumby and Pokey are happy campers watching all that is going on.  Damon gave me those S&P shakers last year and they make me laugh and oh the things they have done as has been seen on Markie's blog.  At the front of the picture is the amazing grilled mushrooms and onions.  behind that is the plate with zucchini and peppers and the corn on the cob (what is left - and by end of dinner none was) is behind that.  Yup, a mighty fine dinner was had by all.

What I did not mention was all the fun games we played pre-dinner, but I will not dwell as I won a few too many for my own good.  It is amazing at how that seems to happen.  Have a good Sunday!

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