Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Movies

Without a doubt my favorite Christmas movie is "The Polar Express" which came out 10 years ago.  I remember going to see it at OMSI (a museum in Portland) with my sister and friends on the big screen.  When we got back to the car Janet had made bells on red ribbons and to this day it hangs on a door in my apartment.  It is fun to have movies that make you do the happy cry.  And let me tell you I can just about tell you exactly where I will begin crying on different movies. 
For me, it is not just about Santa Claus but rather the belief in Santa and the good that comes out of people at this time of the year.  There is the joy in chatting with friends and reflecting on memories of Christmas' gone by and the fun we have had over the years.  It is taking the time to have people over and share in good food and good times.  Today will be a day of watching movies and preparing a fun and festive meal for this evening.  Looking forward to sharing all about it tomorrow.
Besides "The Polar Express" I have several other favorites.  As you can tell from the post a couple of days ago, I own a leg lamp as seen in "A Christmas Story" which is a holiday favorite.  I enjoyed sharing it with Damon this year as he had never seen it before.  A few years ago my brother Mike gave me the game - as seen below - and we have played it along with Rob and Jodie several times.  It is a lot of fun.
Now I have to admit, there are several other favorites I try and be sure to watch each year.  "Miracle on 34th Street" the original black and white version as well as the 1984 version of "A Christmas Carol" with George C. Scott.  "Scrooged" with Bill Murray is always fun to watch and I could go on and on.  Last week on The Today Show they had a contest and I so did not agree with the final two movies that they considered the best - "It's a Wonderful Life" and "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" in that while the former is a classic, really, the latter leaves a lot to be desired.  I have over a dozen Christmas movies on DVD and a bunch of TV shows.  But that is a whole different posting for the future.  Merry Christmas Eve!

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