Monday, March 7, 2011

Bye-Bye Facebook

A couple of years ago I was asked to add a facebook account as part of a work project. I did and soon I was adding "friends" left and right. Soon it was over a 100 and climbing. Out of the walls I was contacted by people dating back to collage, high school and all wanting to be friends. Mind you, many of these people I had no clue who they were. Then a strange thing happened. If you did not accept them, they were hurt. They would ask, "What have I done?"

Well, nothing. It was just that we did not connect before and life marches on. No problem. NOT! Requests would be repeated. I would be poked. One Sunday I decided enough, I took on a project where over a week I went from nearly 200 friends down to 50. It was done in fun and in the end I was feeling good. Well, it had begun to creep back up and all the old themes had started up plus some of the postings were just over the top, while others were pretty darn funny. I then began this blog and it is fun. So, I have decided to once and for all to pull the plug on facebook this week. Funny how a couple of my friends have kinda freaked a bit. But all is good. We all move on. And so, moving on, have a great day and catch you later.

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