Saturday, March 12, 2011

Social Saturday

For initially being in Phoenix this weekend, it sure turned social on me. My friend Mike came down for a quick visit from Vancouver on Friday, but was called back early Saturday due to the whole Japan situation. He is a big municipal dude and a special meeting was called. So gone by 8am and time to get roll away put back in the closet and get the apartment freshened up and do laundry. OY! Time for a nap and shower before johnny thunder arrived for dinner with Markie. Thankful I did not oversleep as johnny was early and so we chatted a while and he brought some lovely hostess gifts. Tulips, incense, and wine were so nice and soon Markie arrived.

Good conversation and watched some of the ongoing news coverage of the earthquake in Japan. Just devastating. While you can sit and watch it non-stop for hours, it is not good. Need balance. Got last of the laundry done and got kitchen shaken down so it will be in good shape come monday when I am on a plane to Arizona.Markie went down at 7pm to get half-priced sushi at Uwajimaya and oh what a feast he got. Yes, that is a giant silver platter - usually under my punch bowl, but it worked. And there was leftovers - like that is a surprise! Add some salad rolls, cucumber salad and Ahi Poke salad.

We had a great evening and at the same time johnny took an early leave so he could get a good rest. His presentation at the conference is happening at 8:30am Sunday, plus there is the whole "spring forward" on time so he'll get an hour less sleep. So he was gone by 9 and Markie headed home by 10. Dishes out of the way and time to crash out.

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