Saturday, July 21, 2012

Errands, Strawberry Festival & Friends

Knowing that tomorrow is going to be a day where I do not leave the apartment, I decided to get out and get all those pesky things done today like:
Pick-up prescription

Mail bills and post cards

Do bank deposit

Gas up the Car
But at the same time it was a lovely day and so I decided to take one of my favorite drives and that is going down to Tacoma and catching the ferry over to Vashon Island.  From there I drive north through the island and catch the ferry back to West Seattle.  Today, little did I know that it was the annual Strawberry Festival.  It was like being in Ashland for the 4th of July and oh was there the baby stroller gridlock and then you add in the 'alternative' group enjoying natural herbs, etc. and walking wherever they felt so you had to be on your best defensive driving while keeping mindful of the detours.  And just as you think that you have had complete success you are not prepared for what you see as you turn the corner, but three people (not sure of gender) dressed as massive strawberries complete with green feather boa hats to look like the top of a strawberry.  Seriously, where is the camera when you need one?  Of course, I forget that my cell phone has one, I so need to remember that in the future.  Thanks to Rob and Janet for that reminder.

Home in time to get in a nap and then off to Jodie and Rob's for dinner.  Without use of a cane, I manage all the stairs and we have a good evening of cocktails, conversation and I get to enjoy the fruits of Rob's labor as he continues to break-in his new grill.  Here he is getting ready to begin dinner.
 And here is one proud papa with his new toy and look at that grill.  Loaded with Rib eye steaks and corn-on-the=cob.  Have you said yum yet?  Jodie made coleslaw complete with homemade dressing right down to the homemade mayonnaise.  Oh just hurt me! 
 We attacked the food and found that we all eat our corn differently.  From what we put on it to the direction we eat it.  Kinda funny how we all have our own ways of doing things.  But in the end, we each were quite satisfied and we all get to enjoy steaks tomorrow for a meal of our choosing.  I think mine is going to be at brunch.
It was one of those days where games were just not going to happen and I soon bid a good evening and came home to read a bit and enjoy watching planes take off and land at Sea-Tac.  Just a nice simple evening.  Before I close, here is a picture my brother, Mike, took earlier today up at Lake-of-the-Woods of Janet and my great niece Lizzy.  Enjoy!

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