Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's All In The Details

Cindy, my physical therapist, did the final sign-off today and by doing two simple tests, I was declared balanced and fit to be released.  The first one had me stand up, walk 10 feet, turn around and back to start and sit.  I had to complete this in under 13 seconds.  Several weeks ago, it took me 23 seconds to do that.  Today, it took 12.5.  All clear there.  Second test was standing and closing my eyes for 10 seconds followed by Cindy doing two mild pushes to my chest.  Last time I got a 14 out of 28.  Today I got a 26.  Thus, I have now cleared the way to being released and may not have to even deal with out patient PT.  That will all be confirmed at the doctor appointment next Tuesday.

So, after Cindy left I was sitting here at the computer and was quite pleased with myself.  Why?  Because the plants that Janet, my sister, gave me at Easter, are still alive and growing.  Oh, I have moved them from the basket to a bowl more fitting with the lamp in the background.  The glass sculpture on the far left is a favorite I got at "Art in the Pearl" which is held over Labor Day weekend in Portland.  On the right, my favorite tchotchke, the Solar Queen.  She waves all day as she has a solar panel in her purse.  The lamp was Grandma Schilling's and it brings back fond memories of her and all the good times we had.

Another thing I wanted to bring more detail to is my new bed.  I guess my posting the other day did not do justice and so here is a close-up of the bedding.  Have discovered the sheets are not cotton and so will likely need to be changed out, must have breathable cotton.  Also, the quilt and shams are a fun melange of color to bounce off all the colors in the room.  Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. Next time you get a chance to take a picture when your bed is made, do an overhead shot of the quilt. :-)
