Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's Official!

Yes indeed, today I stepped up on the scale at Dr. Lindquist's office and the numbers did not lie.  I weighed in at 474.8.  Thus, I have lost 202.2 pounds since mid-February.  Now mind you, I have been under the care of three great doctors and so I share, do not try this at home alone.  I am slowing down on weight loss and averaging about 8 pounds a week.  They want me to get that slowed down to about 5-7 pounds a week.  Seriously, when was the last time you were losing weight and the doctor tells you that you need to eat more.  Kinda funny, but we are going at this slow and steady.  It is for the long term. 

Heading down to Ashland tomorrow to see Mom, Janet, Mike and family.  Besides being hot, hot, hot, I do hope to have some nice down time.  I do believe that there is a trip planned to drive up to Lake-of-the-Woods.  We had a cabin up there when I was younger and it provides many wonderful memories.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your weight loss! 200 lbs. is an amazing achievement.
