Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bonus Post: Shucking Corn

Tonight was a glorious night to enjoy dinner. Shucked the rest of the corn I bought at QFC over 4th of July weekend and it was AWESOME! OK, so two ears and the rest will be enjoyed tomorrow. But hey, it got me thinking...we shuck corn, but peel potatoes. We slice watermelon and tomatoes and yet we pit cherries.

What gives. I began to think - what else do we shuck and the only other food that came to mind was oysters. Do not get me wrong, I love them, but what is with all the different prep term. Heck, look at the blender and the 8-16 different buttons for "blend" that they offer, and do not miss out on FRAPPE! That has got to be one of the gayest words ever. And speaking of which, why are Homosexuals always in the "practicing phase" of their lifestyle? I hate to break the news, but I got it down, I am no longer just practicing, I am living. But now don't go thinking I am just trying to tie in oysters to gay people. Think about lawyers and doctors, they have practices! When do they advance to doing! Just throwing it out there! So on this perfectly fine evening with the air conditioning and fans running on high as the British Comedies playing on the telly, I just thought you should know I shucked me some corn tonight!

OK, so not quite done yet! I recently enjoyed some corn-on-the-cob with friends. I happen to be a person who only uses salt & pepper on my fresh corn. Others use butter or butter and salt & pepper. Thus I toss out to you, the reader, how do you eat your corn-on-the-cob? Just asking!

1 comment:

  1. Wordsmith: Should "his" be "highs"? Just asking?
    I eat my corn plain. Now for another question.... do you eat across the cob or around the cob?
