Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Home Tour Continues...

A few weeks have passed and well, thought we might make our way into the main living area. It is a nice sized space and there is the sleeping alcove so to speak along with the main living are where I am typing this at the computer and then the dining area. As you can see the Cherry wood bed frame is the focal point of this area. Helene gave it to me when I moved up here. It is just lovely and is on angle to be aligned with the view looking up at headquarters. It used to be the old VA hospital and is lit up at night. The angle makes for great viewing of the planes taking off and landing at Sea-Tac. The new box spring and mattress are heavenly and the bed is made up of lavender sheets and sage bedding. The big pillow at the back is one that Jodie custom made for me out of an old quilt. It is a delight to use for reading. The front pillow is one I just picked up a few months back at Crater Lake Lodge. Kind of fun and yet festive. So let's move on to some close-ups. The bedside table is one that Mom had for years and then loaned to Rose Thorpe. She kept it way too long and finally Mom asked for it back. I did not realize Mike wanted it and it is his for the taking when he wants it, but has said I can use for now and oh do I. The big mirror was a total score. I was driving back from Seattle one trip and I think Bush was giving a speech on TV and so I decided to stop at Linens 'N Things at Janzen Beach to avoid seeing him on the boob tube. Well, I walk in and there it is on the sale rack at over 50% off due to a hairline crack in the frame. I thought it added character and so snagged it for $49! Yup.

I love art books and when I am not reading them they help in the decor end of things. Three of them are hold up the silver wine bucket Markie found at the outlet mall down in Troutdale when we were staying at the Edgefield Estate for an event. He uses his for cleaning and I found the silk hydrangeas at Restoration Hardware on sale and they just make it festive. Behind that is a great purple glass vase that Markie gave me and is quite lovely. To the right are two champagne flutes I got to ring in 2000. They are tall and so hard to wash, but oh when drinking out of them do you feel like you are having a moment of luxury or what. Rounding out the back row is a festive fabric box I got in London back in 2000 at Liberty House. Always liked it and it holds tissues, medicine, etc.

Just in front of that piece and the glasses is a copper box I got from Mom when Dad died. It holds misc. items and papers. On top of it is a wind-up top I found at Finnegan's Toys in Portland. It is a great toy store and I just love watching the planes go round and round.

Along the front is a VERY cheesy piece of glass that I just had to have. Found it when opening the Santa Clara office last year at the hotel lobby gift shop. It is sitting on top of a great art piece that Wonderful made for me as a Thank You gift. I sponsored him at Breitenbush one year and he made the box and the cards inside that when laid out correctly make a very sweet message. Next to that is a bronze statue I found at Fire Island years ago on a close out sale. Got it for under $50 dollars if memory serves me right and the 3 men are supporting a beautiful glass ball. Finally there is a basket made by some Mexicans who set up their wares on the steps of the Hotel Mirador each day. This basket was like $4 and it is just terrific. Such memories and treasures.

Speaking of which, the print on the floor to the left of the table is a design sketch of Miss Texas' evening gown from the off-Broadway parody called "Pageant" and I got to see it several times living in New York City. Above it is one of two bookends that are copies of the lions that frame the New York Public Library on 5th Avenue. Named "Patience" and "Fortitude", they remind me of my days in the Big Apple. And finally on the right of the table is my BOSE cd/radio which is playing jazz as I type this. I love listening to NPR on weekends and it is so relaxing.
And to the right and behind the bed is what you see above. Just peaking in a bit on the left is part of a preserved plant I found at Saturday Market years ago, and I mean like the mid-80's and it has been schlepped all over the country. The picture is a self-portrait by Keith Herring. Who knew he would be gone so soon and now I have come to find that this thing is worth some bucks. Cool! On the right is a very cool book case. It makes it seem that the books are just floating. It is on loan from Helene and someday will go away, but I enjoy it for now. On top is a sculpture of Bacchus. It is on loan from Markie and a favorite piece to be sure. It was one of the first pieces of art he ever bought and did so on a payment plan. Who knew that years later he would pose as Bacchus from a friend, Michael Leckie. Go figure and this concludes out tour of the west side of Chris' apartment. Enjoy the day and stay cool.

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