Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday Musings

Outside it is so foggy and it was really cool driving into the office this morning.  The commute yesterday and today was so easy.  I have been working on trying to let go when doing the commute and not let the jerks out there who do not know how to drive or are overly aggressive not get to me so much.  Since I am not moving I need to make the commute more calming and thus will not be as wound up as I have been in the past. 

Yesterday, we headed home by going north so I could swing by the dealership where I bought my car for a free car wash.  Then it was northbound on I-405 and let me share that I would avoid that option like the plague in the future when I do not have Damon in the car.  Why?  Because with him in the car I can use the HOV lane and it was the ONLY one that was moving due to a massive accident.  We then swung by Safeway to get gas and on home. 

By about now you might be wondering what the heck does the picture above have to do with today's posting?  Absolutely nothing!  I happened across the picture on facebook and it was just so calming and fun that I decided to add it to today's post since it was just musings I have.  Do enjoy.

Last night Damon went to great length to set up the projection TV and we ended up watching "The Help" which I had seen before but glad to see again.  It reminded me a lot of "The Butler" which I saw last week, yet different.  It is challenging to look back at our past and be proud of how people treated others. 

When I get home this evening there should be a new toilet waiting for me.  Yes, I am quite excited about this.  We talked at length last night at how pleased I am not to have to be packing up everything for another move.  At the same time we are going to be doing a couple of projects before Damon departs in just under 3 weeks.  As they get done I will keep you updated. 

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