Sunday, August 22, 2010

Markie Does Have An Eagle Eye!

Markie is a very dear friend who travels all the time and right now he is in Germany and ventured from Frankfurt (where yes he did eat numerous hot dogs, thank you for asking) to Berlin. From there he is on to a Euro-faerie gathering and will be back in the states a week from Monday at 10:50pm. I had to laugh when he actually asked if I could pick him up at the airport at the obscene hour knowing full and well there are at least two other people who are night owls. Of course I said no and he laughed. I think the sauerkraut was getting to him. So he posts on his blog UMTravels the picture of a sculpture that sits on the top of the train station in Frankfurt. How forward thinking are they to be sure. Anywho, I have no answer other than those Europeans are so much more forward thinking than we are. Heck, with all the chat going on about trying to dissolve the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and trying to erase freedom of religion as a right in the US, we are just slip sliding down a very big slid back to the future in a way. Not a good thing to be sure. Please note, I am not going to go sideways and get all political, but I just see that we are entering some extremely scary water and hope that long term thinking will prevail and not be caught up in the moment of tea baggery. I just do not believe that tea and politics mix.


  1. Chris......I believe those statues are allegorical representations of Night and Day, not an endorsement of a lifestyle.
