Seriously, I do not need to get a Payday loan on my way to a friend's house to talk about vaginal dryness and that possible side effects of drugs includes bleeding from behind the eyes. And why is it that so many of the bizarre guests on daytime talk seem to live in trailer parks in the deep southeast and as long as the boyfriend is the daddy, the mother is willing to take him back. Stop the madness, what is being sold on QVC this afternoon?
So now I am doing what happens each January. Looking through tubs of stuff and boxes on shelves asking why have I kept this and do I need that. There has been three trips to the recycle room this week. It is freeing. Gifting is in full swing and I am seeing more of the carpet on the floor in the closet. I do like living simple and it was all the more clear when I returned to my office this week and got to see my new table (that serves as my desk) that is a thing of beauty. I'll post a picture or two soon to show you what my office looks like. Amazing at how paperless I have gone there. It is happening throughout my life and I like it.
But one thing I have enjoyed getting back to is writing notes and cards. I missed doing it and so it is fun to get back in the swing of things. Reconnecting with people and having time to talk, yes, life is pretty good right now and I just need to remember to pause ans relax more often. Have a great weekend.
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