Do not adjust your computer. This is the same picture angle I took yesterday under blue and sunny skies. What happenes in 24 hours is stunning.

This is the Black Ball Ferry and we took it up yesterday. Here it is making it's afternoon departure. After Sunday it goes on vacation for two weeks and that happens every year to allow for annual maintainence. We will be going via BC Ferry tomorrow back to the minland and then drive down through customs and into Washington.

Another view of the ferry leaving and a close-up of the houseboats. Do you get I like the thought of living on a houseboat? Seriously, if I ever decide to buy and not rent, this might be the option I go for. You never know.

This is a close-up of the training boats and the police. There were 4 boats today along with the main cruiser. Must be some sort of intense training going on. Never boring up here on the water.
It looks lovely even in the gray hues. )