This day did not quite go the way I had planned, but that is ok. Stayed home and rested up a bit as the next week is going to be the shock as schools get back in the swing and there is full pressure to perform. With the new year a lot of people make resolutions. I decided to go for a simple on and that is eating more fruits and vegetables. I think it will be easy to keep as I have some real favorites and I just need to be sure to have a good selection on hand.

Bananas have always been front and center and salads are regularly part of meals, but there is a need to add more. So that is why I am going to really work at adding at least one more vegetable per day and also more fruit. Apples, pears and Clemetines are favorits and so they will be front and center as much as possible. But you know what, I am going to take it one day at a time and also looking at ways to let go of some of the excess that I have going on. While the day has been unusual, it is not rushed and slowly unfolding. Guess we have the Seahawks playing tonight here in Seattle. Not a happy camper, but heck, it is what it is. Just hope that the crowds are not totally crazy. It is the last game of the regular season. Ah, soon, the crowds will be gone until April and baseball season.
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